IAI Token:

A Decentralized Incentive Model and Utility

IAI is the currency used to pay for IndexAI LLM queries as well as the method of alignment and decentralization for the DAO developer community.

IAI Token Utility

Users of the LLM pay $IAI for queries. The amount of $IAI depends on the complexity (token length) of the query. $IAI is paid via the AA wallet in the web app, which is hosted by IndexAI.

What happens to the $IAI that is paid? It's desposited into IndexAI’s foundation, and used to pay for hosting fees, marketing, community events... and of course, paid to the contributors of the open source project!

Community members who contribute to the open source project earn $IAI based on their work and the work’s usage.

Token Contract


Token Metrics

  • 6%

    Marketing (Airdrop, Campaigns)

  • 2%

    Marketing (RSS3 Airdrop)

  • 7%

    Team (IndexAI Core)

  • 3%

    Team (Early Dev Contributors)

  • 12%

    Development / Operations

  • 5%


  • 33%


  • 22%

    Ecosystem / Rewards

  • 10%

    Treasury / Reserved